OK - so she's an old lady, but her mate Pinochet was also a dodery old codger - age doesn't get these bastards of the hook.
The only possible reason that Brown would invite her is to send out a clear public message (as if we didn't know) that "we're all Thatcherites now".
He praises her as a 'conviction politician ' which I suppose she is. But when these convictions amount to 'greed is good' and a contempt for ordinary people; then I'm not sure that this is really better than being an unprincipled careerist like Brown himself.
Just imagine the bollocks we are going to have to endure when she dies - I've seen it suggested that like Churchill she may be one of the few 'commoners' to receive a state funeral.
Personally I'll be joining the queue for those waiting to dance on her grave.
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