Friday, 18 December 2009

Some eye candy

I'm a bit bored and uninspired to write at the moment: So I just dug out some classic black and white photos - they all represent something (to me) so maybe they qualify as 'iconic'. They don't really need explanations but here they are anyway:

• Lee Marvin defined  biker culture in 1953 - it's not really changed.

• Trotsky reading the Militant. He looks  like my dad in this picture.

 • Michael Parks as Bronson. Two wheedled knight errant on a quest.

• Girl On A Motorcycle. French art-house. A girl on a bike. Nuff said.

• My Sigung: Wong Shun Leung. The bad boy of 1950's Hong Kong.

• Miners' strike 1984-5. A defining moment of my  youth.

• Easyrider. I always identify more with Billy than Wyatt.

• Steve McQueen. Simply the coolest movie star. Ever.

• Teamsters' strike 1934. For once the cops are on the receiving end.

• And finally, because I just couldn't not include this.

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